Thursday, November 20, 2008

my 2 cents

This is totally non-book related, but I had to post it.

This week, when I went to pick up my kids from school, a news camera man/journalist was interviewing a few of the parents in the parking lot. Apparently due to the economy being so bad, some of the school janitors have been laid off in order to hire new janitors, and pay them less money. He was asking what people thought about the janitor layoffs.
And OMG, he came up to my car and asked if I'd be willing to comment! I was like 'Sure!'

And I was on the news that same night!

I gave a little 3 minute speech to the reporter, and they edited it down to 2 hey, I got to be on the news! They interviewed a few parents, but only me and one other lady got on. I recorded the snippet of me talking. My kids were soooo excited to see me on

I'm the first one who speaks.

What i'm saying is: 'I don't want, you know, just anybody walking though the halls. I feel safe with my kids here now.'

What I told the reporter before they edited it, was something like 'I don't want, you know, just anybody walking though the halls. I feel safe with my kids here now. They need to give the old janitors thier jobs back. It's not right to fire hard working people.'

And to top it all off, they butchered my last It's spelled totally wrong :) But hey, I was on TV for like 5 seconds! lol I had my friends and family watching, it was very funny.


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