Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sometimes a bit aloof, disconnected from politics and with a short memory span

But make no mistake about it, the American people were doing just fine with the ideals and concepts inherited from the Founding Fathers.

It was then an America that celebrated their ingenuity, their ability to innovate, to pick oneself up by the bootstraps and make something of oneself…The maverick spirit grew with the expansion of the West and we were at one point even proud of our “MELTING POT” because we realized that each and every wave of immigrants brought with it new blood and re-energized our nation and our spirit.

Perhaps we became too enamored with this equality and democratization and abandoned our quest for meritocracy. We began to celebrate mediocrity and praise ignorance. We even elected a President that reflected those values. Being inarticulate, uneducated, ignorant and selfish became the new trend. It is incomprehensible how a moron like Sarah Palin could actually have even been the Governor of one of our states. That in part (other than the Koch brothers and a few odious super-wealthy) contributed to the adoption of a new criteria, a new ideology for America. It is one founded on negativism, one that encapsulates everything that is mediocre in human beings…ranging from the celebration of greed to that of ignorance.

The religions haven’t been left behind in this wave of madness…they know that an uneducated, ignorant and superstitious majority is a lot easier to dupe into their religious business and the politicians are all too happy to accommodate that because an uneducated, ignorant public is a lot easier to govern. It is no wonder they call them “PASTORS” those who head religious organizations…like the shepperd that guides and herd the sheep…the followers, the meek…

“And the meek shall inherit the earth” so they tell us…what a bunch of crap…this is one of the lies and the lines they feed the masses in order for them to accept their low place in the pecking order. It is similar in cruelty as the promise of HEAVEN after death if you are “good”. In other words, you will go to heaven if you do as we say…it is a deviate and cruel joke on those who call themselves FAITHFUL.

We saw America at its best when it built, innovated and invested in the future; through education and massive public works such as Hoover Dam and the Tennessee Valley Project. We built an Interstate Highway System and we put a man on the moon…there was nothing we couldn’t do then. We even instituted the most successful social program ever…SOCIAL SECURITY that took care of our elders and is self-sufficient and funded.

Now they tell us we can’t afford to be Americans any longer. We can’t provide the safety nets, the investments required to be innovative and to embark on large projects for the commonwealth. We have bought into this austerity crap thinking that it is like our own personal finances…and it isn’t because just as we Americans collectively owe trillions of dollars in debt for our government expenses, we also individually have pawned our own financial security to credit and credit cards…it is obvious that is not a valid argument…the one that we should balance our budget the same way we balance our family’s expenses.

Are we heading in the wrong direction? You bet we are and it is up to us to wake up in time to stop this Republican-Teahadist madness…it is extremely immoral to give more to the wealthy at the expense of the working class...let us not elect one single Republican in the next election…not even a candidate for dog catcher and let's get with the program again of being Americans.



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