Friday, August 12, 2011

America is about to embark on another Civil War.

You may disagree, find it hard to believe and yet there are signs that we are in for a bumpy ride…so tighten up your seat belts.

Our first Civil War was fought because the South seceded from the union over States’ Rights and their insistence on keeping slavery. Curiously, the Southern men went on to battle and they were not the slave owners; they really didn’t have any vested interests other than the passion that had been instilled in them…passion so strong that even to the present day there are those who hold them emphatically.

Our second Civil War is going to be fought by men who don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of in defense of the interests of the very wealthy and the corporations. Their resolve is unwavering, their passion unequaled…and yet they will be the ones giving up their lives to help the wealthy establish a PLUTOCRACY.

Make no mistake about it; look at what is happening in London, what happened in Egypt, Wisconsin, and other places where the people revolted in protests to the excesses. When all these budget cuts begin to take their toll on social programs and those recipients find themselves abandoned and hopeless then unrest will ensue. I have no doubts of that and whether we repress it with brutal force or we actually migrate to a camp either on the left or on the right…the destruction of democracy and the decimation of the middle class is not going to go over well nor will those who cause it get away without impunity…whether it is legal or done by lynching mobs.

My advice to Teahadist Republicans, those who were cheering yesterday that the Stock Market banked is this: Be careful what you wish for…you may find that our country will be destroyed by one economic disaster after another and you Teahadist-Republicans really don’t have any tricks up your sleeves, no program, no plan and absolutely no knowledge of economics…so getting us out of that morass, if you are successful in taking over the government completely is not going to do you one bit of good.

Yes Virginia, there is no Santa Claus and a Civil War may well be on its way.


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