Thursday, August 25, 2011

We already got the message about you being reasonable and willing to compromise

We know Mr. President that you are sensible, pragmatic, unflappable and calm. These are qualities we all admire. We have seen have you have bent over backwards to give in to all or most of the demands of the far right conservatives.

Most Americans have not been pleased with this kind of approach and you have suffered politically for it…but worst of all our country has had to adopt unreasonable, stupid and destructive policies that have made our problems even worse. Even if the majority of voters expressed dissatisfaction with government and bought into the Republican-Teahadist ideology and in 2010 voted for them…they are now having second thoughts, buyer’s remorse, if you will about electing people like Governor Scott or Walker. We see the visceral repudiation of their policies and we see people involved in grassroots movements to try to correct the mistake they made by electing them.

Mr. President, time and time again you have given up some very important issue that is crucial to the well being of the American people and our nation in your effort to be compromising; we saw it with the Health Care Reform when you surrendered the public option even before you sat down to negotiate with them. Then we saw how you agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy in order to extend unemployment benefits to those without jobs. Lately, Mr. President, you agreed to a debt ceiling compromise that gave the Republican-Tehadists everything…or nearly everything they wanted…only to see our nation being deemed unworthy of a triple A credit rating by S&P.

Dear Mr. President, you are going to have to start fighting back some time, you are going to have to be confrontational at some point even if you don’t like it; because if you don’t…then we are all going to be living in an America nobody could live in or want to live in.

So Mr. President, start fighting now and not two weeks before the elections of 2012.


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