Sunday, August 28, 2011
It's Sunday and Hurricane Irene has passed us by last night and early this morning. Thankfully she left us unhurt.
We spent the night huddled in our living room with our candles and flashlights ready. We pulled out our air mattress and sleeping bags, made popcorn and watched a movie to try and keep the kids from worrying much. Thankfully, we didn't lose power. We had was lots of rain and strong winds. The storm has passed, now the worry is the flooding.
I did stay up till the wee hours of the morning reading, since I was too nervous about the storm to get much sleep.
The storm scared me, but scary stories don't. I was reading IT as part of Serena and Anna's Stephen King’s IT Read-a-Long. The heavy rains and wind last night made for the perfect setting as I cuddled up and read. Tomorrow I'm posting part one of the read-a-long discussion.
On a sad note, Weekly Geeks is coming to an end. I will miss it, I did enjoy participating over the years.This will be the final Weekly Geeks "assignment"...share one of the following on your blog:
* If you knew Dewey - a favorite memory of her, or one of your favorite "events" which was Dewey-inspired.
My favorite Dewey Inspired events were her Read-A-Thon and her Knit-A-Long. She had a knack from creating events that drew bloggers in and created a feeling of community.
When I started this blog in 2007, Dewey was one of the first people to stop by and comment.
It's sad to see her Weekly Geeks come to an end, but nothing lasts forever.
That's all for now, enjoy your Sunday and happy reading.
Labels: sunday salon, weekly geeks