Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Should anyone ask the Government to grant them exclusive use of that word?

Particularly if that word is defined by a group of people to be a code word to exclude minorities and to carry on discrimination as they see fit?

Take as a hypothetical example: If we as a society had our government agree that you are a “BLUE COLLAR WORKER” and will never be anything other than that; that in itself is not so bad but if you add to that the denial of rights associated with this class and people labeled as such then you have inequality. If you did more on top of that and deemed it that those “blue collar folks” were somehow inferior and didn’t deserve the respect of society; insisted in humiliating them and criminalizing their existence, then that would make it insane, wouldn’t it?

Basically that is what we are seeing with the word “MARRIAGE”; there is a segment of our population that because of erroneous interpretations of the Scriptures believe that they not only have the right to define that word for us but also they insist that the government stamps the seal of approval of that definition or concept they have of marriage; which is primarily the union between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation.

That argument doesn’t fly any more than the concept of defining blue collar as inferior and not deserving the same rights as the rest of society…it is discriminatory and it is an odious, repugnant concept.

There is too one basic difference…a blue collar worker could possibly go to school or take some courses and cross over into a loftier class…it is the case of being able to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and make something of yourself…in the case of gay people…not so much because homosexuals are born that way and just like a tiger can’t change its stripes or a leopard its spots neither can a gay person become something he is not…no matter how many courses, deprogramming, humiliation, deprivation and denial of human rights…it is there, it is queer and we better learn to live with it and grant all individuals the same rights as everyone else…never forgetting that by accepting one religion’s definition of marriage is to play favorites, to anoint that religion with legitimacy…which is something our government is not supposed to do if one is to adhere by the principle of separation of church and state that our Founding Fathers preferred.



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