Heterosexual marriage standards applied to gay relationships…they don’t even work for most straights.
Human sexuality is a very peculiar thing; on the one hand we have society applying pressure to maintain the structure of the family and on the other you have the natural instincts to stray working against the very institution of marriage. In most relationships the attraction or lust is present and not until those yens of consummating the love act are done does it subside.
The problem is basically, that once the consummation takes place the sexual attraction also begins to wane. When a relationship is fresh and new, it is not uncommon to have sex three or even more times a day. Then as the need for sexual fulfillment is quenched, those sexual encounters become less frequent. After a while, once a day is more than enough. Notwithstanding the other activities in one’s life, like children, work and the like; there are plenty of interruptions and missed opportunities for having sex.
When a couple goes from once per day to twice a week; the sex is beginning to play a less important role. Then it may be as infrequent as once a week or even once a month…once a month? That is only 12 times a year you get to have sex; a very normal physiological function like taking a dump or peeing! Nobody would be happy with having sex 12 times a year. That is where the relationship is in danger of being destroyed.
We are, most of us, hypocrites; as such we like to pretend that this is not happening and that infrequent sex is a normal thing. But we are all fooling ourselves in that respect. The need for sexual release oftentimes overcomes all barriers, including those placed by society or religion and a person in a relationship will seek sexual release outside of it.
Statistics show that more than 50% of all heterosexual marriages end in divorce. Homosexual unions are subject to the same sexual dynamics but these are not as pressing as in straight relationships simply because there are no legal or societal laws or morality criteria to discourage gay relationships from coming to an end.
Is this what you want for America?
It is almost impossible for gays to ask for equality when they live in a society that would just as soon punish them or vanish them. If some of these homophobes had their way, criminalization of homosexuality would be established…here in America and it would not surprise anyone to see the death penalty carried out with their full support. Yet, these very people who dare take away the rights of others, don’t hesitate to have extra-marital affairs, to be unfaithful at every turn and it is even considered a “macho” thing to make as many conquests as possible…like notches on the bedpost it gives them validation, acceptance and it is a source of pride for them…both straights and gays are vulnerable to this type
of behavior.
So why do gays insist in having marriage when it doesn’t even work for most heterosexuals? It has to do with equality; it is a demand for an end to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. As for myself, I am not that great a believer in the institution of marriage but I would like to see those barriers that prevent gay marriage knocked down. Marriage is a human right, not a heterosexual privilege; whether it lasts a month or half a century…LOVE IS NEVER WRONG.