- JD Crossan at the Huffington Post - The Search for the Historical Paul: What Paul Thought About Women.
- A couple of posts on the UK riots from Vaughan Bell ... Riot psychology and When explaining becomes a sin.
- Interesting past article in The Thomist - The semiosis of Angels.
- Rowan Williams on homosexuality, from the introduction to a Jubilee Group pamphlet published in 1988.
- A post at US Catholic on WYD and Vatican II - The spirit of Vatican II still speaks to the youth of today. I have to admit that I'm a little disturbed by WYD. It's not just that that I sympathize with the priests protesting the expense, but I feel uncomfortable about the carrots offered for participating: plenary indulgences (time off purgatory) and the de-excommunicating of those having had an abortion (why is abortion an excommunicable offense, but not murder?).
- Btian Greene on the multiverse (you can also read what Keith Ward wrote of the multiverse in my past post here) ...