Saturday, August 20, 2011

Her views are clearly in tune with the DOMINIONIST movement.

If you follow my blog then you would know that I have no stomach for Evangelicals, Fundamentalists or any other type of religious fanatics of any stripe. It is a visceral dislike, it is a total repudiation of what they stand for and the twisted ways in which they act by distorting the Scriptures and behaving in society as though they were so exclusively linked to the Creator; that it was this deity alone who anointed these assholes to be the most dominant force in our society. Nothing could be more disdainful to me than an Evangelical running for office carrying a Bible as his/her only credentials. It defies logic and it defies what our country stands for…never would there be a litmus test on a candidate’s religion or the need to have one in order to get elected.

But when I see that even the Evangelicals are repudiating the brand of far out, fringe stupidity that Michelle Bachmann and others are selling I begin to really question. It is amusing to see them fight it out but at the same time it is terribly tragic that a person with such radical views would even be considered for any public office.

It is alarming to think of how things will turn out if these super-extreme right wing Dominionist Evangelicals take over our country. The kind of theocracy that we would have would be even more extreme than the one in Iran and there would be such overreaching repression of those who are not Evangelicals that America would become not just a tyranny but a very poor country.

If you want to understand how twisted, how misguided and askew this type of thinking is, just think that the murderous spree this Norwegian Dominionist went on is part of this movement and his way of thinking differs little from that of Michelle Bachmann or Rick Perry.

I ran across this short article by Dakota O'Leary I think it sums it up very well:

“In an interview with MSNBC, Frank Schaeffer, son of Dr. Francis Schaeffer, father of the modern evangelical Republican movement, stated point blank that Michele Bachmann's religious beliefs will be liability for her in the 2012 Presidential elections. The Washington Independent reports:

Author Frank Schaeffer told MSNBC on Wednesday that Michele Bachmann’s beliefs will be a liability for her with the general public if she gets the GOP nomination in 2012. And Schaeffer knows something about where Bachmann stands: His father, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, was the founder of the modern religious right, and both Bachmann and her husband Marcus count Schaeffer as a top influence on their worldview and political ideology.

“The part of Christianity she comes from is radical even for evangelical Bible believers,” Schaeffer told MSNBC. “I think gradually, it will become apparent to American voters that she could not win the general election. And Republicans are going to have to make a choice to either be a normal political party or, really, theocracy in waiting with people like Michele Bachmann, who in the best of all possible worlds, as far as she would see it, would produce a theocracy in the country where the Bible would be paramount and no longer the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.”

He continued, “Look, they love a fictional, Christian America that wouldn’t include gay people, would not have choice and abortion rights for women and all the rest of this. But in terms of the real America, inclusive, diverse, sustaining of gay people as well as heterosexuals and so forth, this is an America they despise and that’s why they talk in terms of taking it back. Well from whom? That would be from the rest of us, ordinary American citizens under the rule of law.”



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