This past Sunday morning I spoke too soon when I posted that Hurricane Irene left us untouched. We lost power shortly after that and are not scheduled to have power restored until next week :( I will be missing from blogland until then.
I am typing this from my moms computer since I have no internet access at home. I miss my computer and my blog!!! I hope to be back soon.
This is what I saw on my street Sunday afternoon. High winds brought several trees down, this one was completely uprooted. Thankfully no one was hurt, but this tree fell on a house and two cars.

I'll be back when I can! I am able to blog through my iTouch, but that is very limited. I do have a review due on Sept. 1st. And since I have computer access today I will be setting up a post for tomorrow. As far as blog hopping goes, I am very limited. I'll catch up next week I hope. xoxoxo