Saturday, August 20, 2011

This week's WG's asks:

Are you familiar with Daniel Pennac's Reader's Bill of Rights?

1. The right to not read.

2. The right to skip pages.

3. The right to not finish.

4. The right to reread.

5. The right to read anything.

6. The right to escapism.

7. The right to read anywhere.

8. The right to browse.

9. The right to read out loud.

10. The right not to defend your tastes.

choose one of these rights and post about it

I do like this Readers Bill of Rights. I stand by all ten of them.

I think my favorite one is #10. The right not to defend your tastes.

I read whatever suits my fancy at the moment and I don't ever feel the need to defend my reading tastes or justify what I am reading. I do know, and love, a few book snobs in real life who kind of shake their heads at me when I tell them I'm reading chic-lit or romance.

I go from romance, to horror to memoirs back to romance and then it's onto the classics. I'll be reading one of Gena Showalter's Lord of the Underworld's paranormal romance books one day then pick up a Regency romance from Georgette Heyer the next day, only to top it off with some amazing poetry by Pablo Neruda before I go to sleep at night.

I also go from reading a fairy tale by the wonderful Hans Christian Andersen to reading a Zombie/Austen Spoof soon after. For me, Stephen King is my comfort read and I like to cozy up with him on cold winter nights.

Edgar Allan Poe comes close second, as I only read him during the Fall season.

When I'm done with my favorite guys, I might just go back and re-read Twilight, that takes us to rule #4. Yes, I am Team Edward and proud of it (another reading taste I don't have to justify).

And every so often, I love to read Philippa Gregory and visit King Henry's Court in Tudor England within the pages of her wonderful novels.

It all really does depend on what mood I'm in.

What about you?
Which of these readers rights do you most relate to?

Enjoy your weekend. I'll be back on Monday with my review of the movie The Help.

*the first photo in this post is actually James Dean reading a magazine, with Elizabeth Taylor laying next to him.


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