Monday, August 22, 2011

The gloating, the expression of joy in their faces is hard to hide.

These Jehovah’s Witnesses take the cake; not only do they have a very twisted, asinine interpretation of the Scriptures, but they are so looking forward to the Judgment Day, the End of Times, the Armageddon…with each natural disaster, with each war, with each incident of violence they gloat…they can’t help themselves…it is part of their way of saying: “see, we were right, there are more cataclysms now, more natural disasters, more violence…that means the end of times is near and we are going to be saved and you are not…because you don’t follow our beliefs.

First of all, it is plausible if not probable that the Scriptures were written by men. Oh, I forget, that is blasphemy…they are HOLY and indisputable, infallible, cure all, answer all, know it all…directly from the Creator and that my friends is a bunch of crap.

Second, even if the Scriptures present to the faithful some guidance and comfort, it is hard to imagine how twisting, misinterpreting, exaggerating and taking them out of context would help humanity. Not in my book, not ever. It is abundantly clear that the version of the Scriptures the Jehovah’s Witnesses have been using is one of the worst translations ever. (see below article)

I see a similarity in the outrageousness and callousness of the Jehovah Witnesses ideology much the same as we have this repudiation of those who protest at Servicemen’s funerals…(Phelpps) it is based on the same concept. Because JW think that all governments are bad, because one should not love one’s country…that we all should rejoice when something like 9-11 happens.

Please don’t tell me the JW didn’t rejoice…I had a Jehovah’s witness neighbor and that very day when the attacks were being televised she was watching with my mom and I and you could see the expression of satisfaction in her face. It is almost an illness, a malaise that permeates this cult. These people are so fanatical that they would drink the Kool-Aid a la Jim Jones if their Kingdom Hall asked them to.

Dominionism is wanting to dominate, to prevail above all others…the JW have been left out of the equation and they are pissed about that…but make no mistake about it…if their numbers were bigger and they could exert some political pressure, influence the people…they too would be wanting to dominate, to lead the bunch into a hopeless, dismal, repugnant THEOCRACY. Please don’t tell me this is not so because why in the hell would they be going door to door? Why – to gain converts, influence, validation! That is DOMINIONISM in its own right...and if this religion was so good, so true...they would be having people knocking at their door to join...not the other way around.

We know from science and limited knowledge of history that there have been earthquakes and fires, storms and wars ever since man began to record these events. If anything, the disasters have been diminished somewhat because in the case of earthquakes and storms we are building better dwellings and buildings to withstand them. Also, the advancement of science has done away with many of the illnesses that caused a big toll in human life in times past. So, the 9/11 attacks, the Japan quake and tsunami and any other recent disaster is not a presage of things to come…much to the chagrin of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

But remember above it all, that those very servicemen that give up their lives, those 9/11 victims did and will continue to do so in order to have Jehovah’s Witnesses and that other wing-nut who protests outside of funerals the freedom to practice this askew cult of theirs. Even if they have no social conscience, even if they only live for their religion…not even their families are important enough to defy those religious aberrations…when they deny one of their loved ones a blood transfusion that could save their lives. So they don’t want to serve in the military and they don’t celebrate birthdays or even recognize our country’s right to exist even though they enjoy the benefits from it.

Look, I don’t give a flying fuck if anybody believes in little green unicorns from Tasmania and they hang from a chandelier to worship them…but when they come knocking at my door to bring their hideous message I recoil, I am indignant and downright pissed because I don’t do that to them…never would I try to go door to door to push my beliefs on anybody. I write a blog, you opt to read it or you don’t…if you don’t like what I have to say…simply don’t visit it. I am after all the worse enemy one of these cults like Jehovah’s Witness or the Mormons could have. So, STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THIS BLOG AND STAY AWAY FROM MY FRONT DOOR.

You might find the article below interesting:

The New World Translation (1950)

A Corrupt sectarian Paraphrase!

The Only Bible the Jehovah's Witnesses will trust!

What leading Greek scholars say about the NWT:

  1. Dr. Bruce M. Metzger, professor of New Testament at Princeton University, calls the NWT "a frightful mistranslation," "Erroneous" and "pernicious" "reprehensible" "If the Jehovah's Witnesses take this translation seriously, they are polytheists." (Professor of New Testament Language and Literature)
  2. Dr. William Barclay, a leading Greek scholar, said "it is abundantly clear that a sect which can translate the New Testament like that is intellectually dishonest."
  3. British scholar H.H. Rowley stated, "From beginning to end this volume is a shining example of how the Bible should not be translated."
  4. "Well, as a backdrop, I was disturbed because they (Watchtower) had misquoted me in support of their translation." (These words were excerpted from the tape, "Martin and Julius Mantey on The New World Translation", Mantey is quoted on pages 1158-1159 of the Kingdom interlinear Translation)
  5. Dr. Julius Mantey , author of A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament, calls the NWT "a shocking mistranslation." "Obsolete and incorrect." "It is neither scholarly nor reasonable to translate John 1:1 'The Word was a god.'"
  6. "I have never read any New Testament so badly translated as The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of The Greek Scriptures.... it is a distortion of the New Testament. The translators used what J.B. Rotherham had translated in 1893, in modern speech, and changed the readings in scores of passages to state what Jehovah's Witnesses believe and teach. That is a distortion not a translation." (Julius Mantey , Depth Exploration in The New Testament (N.Y.: Vantage Pres, 1980), pp.136-137)
  7. the translators of the NWT are "diabolical deceivers." (Julius Mantey in discussion with Walter Martin)



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