Thursday, August 11, 2011
They are already blaming the PROGRESSIVE-LIBERALS for inciting them
How ironic that they are saying this, they have consistently insisted on destroying our way of life, DEMOCRACY, the middle class and they know there is trouble up ahead because the American people are not buying what they are selling. So, they are laying the ground work to demonize the left, to blame them as they have blamed President Obama for the mess we are in, most of which is the results of their insane ideology and their own doing.
One could speculate about the future, but it puzzles me how they are going to repress any dissent. We see how they have gone after firefighters and law enforcement; we have seen the cuts in these by many municipalities. What is going to happen if a riot broke out? Will there be any or enough policemen or firefighters to stop it? The answer is no.
So, who are they going to call upon to stop anarchy and civil unrest? The National Guard…that’s it…only the National Guard is going to be so pissed at Republicans-Teahadists because of lack of pay, elimination of Veteran’s benefits and all around disdain from Republicans about our national security that since they will be the only organized military force with training and access to weapons…it is entirely possible that they too will join the dissent and fight the Republican Teahadists.
I am almost certain that the National Guard is not going to shoot their own people or any civilian for opposing something they too oppose.
Look, I don’t know of a single liberal who prescribes, approves or wants any kind of violence or riots; the fact is that we love America too much to instigate or create such a situation. But the fact remains that in the face of the destruction of our way of life, the decimation of the middle class and all social programs; discontent is bound to happen…Teahadists know it and we know it.
PHOTO SOURCE: http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2007/11/muslims-set-fra.html