Sunday, August 21, 2011
Oslo bombing

Oklahoma City bombing
Remember the word because you’re going to hear it a lot in the months and years to come.
I have often said that the only difference between a Muslim Fundamentalist radical and a Christian one is that the Christian has not been asked yet to strap a bomb on to themselves or fly a plane into a building…but given time, they will.
If you don’t see this connection you are either very naïve or you are part of that movement; it has been brewing here in America for a few decades now; it comes wrapped in the American flag and carrying a Bible in the hand. But make no mistake about it, these people are neither patriotic nor Christian.
We have witnessed how influential some organizations have been with the cloak of secrecy to protect them…like “The Family” on C-Street in Washington, DC. We have seen the creation of a parallel universe where there are universities that seek validation as being legitimate institutions of learning when what they are really are training camps to make these people well versed in the endeavor of taking over all aspects of society – from education to the arts, from business to government.
They will stop at nothing because they firmly believe that they have been anointed by the Creator to do this work…it is their duty to fight this war against the infidel, secularist Godless in our country.
As I said before, they have not been asked to strap a bomb on to themselves yet but now they have…the horrific tragedy in Norway where a hundred innocent children were gunned down is to me evidence that this sneaky-bible-based cult’s next step has come to fruition.
We all know that fanaticism of any kind distorts the mind; we also know that as humans we tend to use what in psychology is called “selective reasoning”. This is where an individual is so passionately clinging to some ideology that he or she will surround himself with other people of the same mindset. The disconnect with the rest of society creates a parallel universe, a world in which reason, facts, science, laws and even common sense are dismissed as “evil” or the work of some negative force.
What is one of the issues I find one to be most objectionable about these Fundamentalist fanatics is that it is based on a negative view of life…it is negativism at work. If you are expecting the Armageddon, the end of times you are not very enthusiastic about building a dam or a road. There is no room or purpose to build for the future if you believe the world is coming to an end next week.

So, in a world of fanaticism Timothy McVey, the 19 9/11 plane hijackers and now this Norwegian man named Anders Behring Breivik who claimed he was a “Conservative Christian Nationalist” but in reality it qualifies them as far out radicals in the case of the Oslo bomber, as a DOMINIONIST.
When I witness Michelle Bachmann spew hatred and Rick Perry organize and sponsor this prayer meeting I get sick to the stomach. You see, I was once involved with the LDS religion and I can tell you that these people eat, breath and dream about their religious ideology. Most disturbingly is the fact that they spend all of their spare time in church activities…there is little time for creativity, for free thinking or for dissent. Those who stray from this inflexible ideology will be dealt with severely and summarily; they will be admonished, humiliated and excommunicated.
Perhaps that is the reason you don’t see many artists, writers, journalists or scientists who adhere to any of these cults. Certainly most of us agree that these cults are fanatical…as we see for example Jehovah’s Witnesses allow a loved one to die rather than be provided with a blood transfusion…or go and serve in the military to defend the very country that allows them their freedom to be fanatical…they toil daily going from door to door to find validation and converts yet they have no social conscience…and that goes to all these Fundamentalist-Evangelical Dominionists…because to them it is more important to advance their agenda than the wellbeing of the country they live in.
Laura Novak expresses this movement very well in this article:
“For several years I have written about Dominionism in America, making few references to its global presence. The tragedy in Norway where innocent lives were viciously gunned down is evidence of this creeping bible-based cult and its dangerous influence as it distorts minds.
The following is a report to me by my researcher, Alex Bird, about the connections the shooters have with Dominionist organizations:
The guy in Norway who set off the bomb in Oslo and then went to a children’s camp, Anders Behring Breivik, (run by the main socialist-progressive party in Norway) and shot some ninety-odd kids to death (at least. Current death toll at the time of this writing is 98).

It turns out he is a self-proclaimed “Conservative Christian nationalist” who apparently was very active on a Norwegian-language anti-Moslem hate forum (compilation of writings, in Norwegian. ((warning: hate site))…and in Norway, there’s really only two possibilities (Dominionist or neo-Nazi)…and things MIGHT be thrown more to the “Dominionist” end of things as he apparently listed an anti-Nazi author on his now-defunct Facebook and media reports that he’s supposedly “pro-Israel”…
So far, much of the press on this has been in Norwegian-language sources, but the Australian Broadcasting Corporation notes that he was a “Christian fundamentalist”: At least one person familiar with Norwegian and who has been following reports (on a forum I’m a regular on) has even noted that “Christian DOMINIONIST” may be a more accurate translation…an article in the Jakarta Globe also points to “dominionist” without using the term. Apparently he went through confirmation at 15, which indicates he converted to a Dominionist church from a mainline Christian one…
That said, there may well have been hints that–if not an actual neo-Nazi–he WAS racialist (and especially in Europe, religious nationalism and racism seem to fit hand in glove); reports by childhood friends (noted in the ABC article above) say he was recruited into “far-right wing” groups in his twenties and he apparently opposed the idea of different cultures living in a meltng pot or even patchwork quilt (in other words, he was a “cultural nationalist”, a line I’ve seen taken by racialist groups here in the States who aren’t neo-Nazis–particularly the Klan and “Christian Identity” groups, but also by neo-Confederate groups in particular).
Even the anti-Nazi author he cites (Max Manus) is an example of this–he was anti-Nazi, but ultranationalist and believed all non-Norwegians should be expelled from the country. He has also (according to folks who read Norwegian) expressed support for Geert Wilders (a Dutch author noted for links to neo-fascist groups) and Pamela Geller (likewise noted for links to anti-Moslem racist groups, including those in the Tea Party movement). He apparently was also a regular guest blogger at the NARasite-linked Jihad Watch as well as a number of other dominonist-linked anti-Moslem hate sitesand even operated an English-language hate site. A Norwegian investigator has collected his posts in various forums.(Of note, this is also pretty damning proof that he was in regular contact with Dominionists with links to the “racist right” here in the US.)
There are also some reports that he was a regular poster to Stormfront, an infamous hate forum that is the primary watering hole for the racist right in the US and elsewhere. I’ve not yet found confirmation of this, though.
There are also indications he did NOT act alone; eyewitnesses at Utoya note there were two gunmen, and at least one other person on the island has been arrested…
Regarding the bombing, it appears he set up an agricultural firm (possibly as a front) and bought a large amount of fertiliser just before the bombing: (Of note: Most European countries restrict sale of ammonium nitrate fertiliser to co-ops and farmers with provable security, because it’s not uncommon for fertiliser to be stolen for truck bombs. Unfortunately, the regulations don’t account for front companies buying this and setting up faux “co-ops” for purposes of terrorism)
He apparently started out in the Progress Party, a Norwegian party that trends right-wing and is ‘the closest thing that Norway has to the Republicans” (according to sources in Norway–I should note this is not including parties outright banned due to links to neo-Naziism and racism) but apparently left it because they weren’t right-wing enough….
Needless to say…right-wing forums here in the US are not taking this news at all well (they were heavily promoting the meme that this was Al Qaeda, and are STILL desperately trying to claim this was an “Al Qaeda operative” to hide the fact one of their own has committed an act of terrorism and the worst Norwegian killing spree ever recorded. Even in US mainline forums, there seems to be an almost deliberate spin against reporting the facts–that this was likely an act of Dominionist terrorism
As a personal aside–when the news on this first came out, I commented on these forums “I bet the guy is some sort of Christian nationalist or neo-Nazi, because the details, especially the shooting, sound much more like that than Al Qaeda’s style”…also noted I said and sensed the same thing re Oklahoma City (which turned out to be connected to racialists connected to militias who took their direct inspiration from the racist “coup-porn” The Turner Diaries) and the Olympic Park Bombing (which turned out to be connected to Eric Rudolph, an Army of God operative and also known to be connected to Christian Identity organizations). There are times I seriously hate being right about this stuff….
This is chilling information. These people – Dominionists – are full of hate and anger – convinced that this is justified by their twisted version of theology. And this is why we work so very hard to discuss the dangers of Dominionism. We understand how volatile these people are and how entitled they view themselves as God’s “chosen”. The rest of us are expendable….”
SOURCE: http://www.lauranovakauthor.com/1/post/2011/7/norwegian-dominionist-connection.html