Monday, August 15, 2011
Nor does it appear in the Constitution, nowhere
This concept that the United States is a Christian nation rattles my cage…we are not…we are a secular nation whose population happens to be for the most part Christians…at least that is what they call themselves. Yet, most of these people are so far removed from the teachings of that wise and inspiring figure that it brings anger to my soul when I think of the ways in which they twist, misinterpret, embellish and even make up the Scriptures (Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses for example)
Conversely, I have yet to find any pronouncements by Jesus that he rejected or condemned homosexuality…NONE! I am not sure that he would endorse it either nor that he would reject it altogether. If a lack of endorsement means that the love between two people that choose to be together is condemned that is carrying it to speculation.
Jesus, as far as I know, was in favor of love. The central theme of his messages was love…love yourself, love one another, love thy enemy…Where do all these fucking Evangelicals and Fundamentalists of other religions get the notion that you should hate somebody simply because he doesn’t insert a penis into a vagina?
But such a radical repudiation from Jesus would be unlikely…I am quite sure that Jesus wouldn’t say “kill the gays” or some variant, so long as we’re gone somehow, they don’t seem to care. And Jesus was not a violent fellow, only once getting physical, and throwing the money changers out of the temple. Well, banking had a bad rep for 2000 years or so after that, until the industrial revolution put an end to that. Nothing like a little capitalism to cure your ills, I assure you.
What does seem clear, however, is that we have this thing called the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution too, which does not quite use the words of Jesus at all, but is quite emphatic in saying that all men are endowed by their creator with the pursuit of happiness and government should stay out of people’s lives. Alas, I’m pursued like a hunted fox by people whom are happy to earn a living in trying to change me to their ways. They used to use the police, even, to come bust into our lives. They want me to adhere to their religion – and where in our two documents of government does it say that one person might force a religion upon another? Where in our American traditions does it say that I must get married to some girl or believe your version of Jesus? And where does it say – “if something can’t be figured out, what would Jesus do?” and then let the biggest religion win or something. I don’t seem to be able to find it.
My take on this is that religions should stop trying to get our government to do their bidding, their promotion, and their dominance. It is quite clear also that it is not a question of might or numbers…even if a majority of Americans adhere to a certain flavor of religion…this religion can’t use government to impose, force or otherwise prevail by the use of government; and in my book what these people intend to do and have done is to use government to be the moral police, the enforcer of their religious laws and also to put a stamp of approval on their ability or desire to discriminate…that last one to me is the most odious, least acceptable use of government.

Australian educator, Michael Kelly wrote: "The question is, apparently, provocative....even asking the question is sacrilege, blasphemy, a vilification of Christianity, and a mockery of people's deepest beliefs." 1 Judging by the anger shown by many Christians toward the Da Vinci Code book and movie, some find it difficult to wrap their minds around the concept of Jesus having been sexually active. The thoughts that he might have been gay or bisexual are even more difficult to handle.
There is nothing in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) which specifically identifies Jesus' sexual orientation. The Bible does not say clearly whether Jesus had sexual feelings at all. If he did have sexual attraction to others, the Bible does not say whether he was a:
Heterosexual, having feeling of sexual attraction only to women, or
Homosexual, being attracted only to men
Bisexual orientation, being attracted to both men and women.
I have this nagging question for the longest time: If Jesus was an ordained Rabbi as it is reported, according to Jewish law he should have married by age 28 and did not. I also found it suspect that he only associated with men, seldom with women and none of the Scriptures mention any type of relationships he had with either.
I don’t think that heterosexuals have to worry about homosexuals destroying the sanctity of marriage…the straights are doing a pretty good job of destroying it themselves.

Then there are others from different walks of life like religious leaders Rekers and Haggard. Give me a fucking break!