Saturday, August 27, 2011
But if we are not careful, we might just get to that
America, a secular country by design…was meant to be that way because the Founding Fathers intended for there being a separation of Church and State. It just so happens that most people living in America are of the Christian faith; but that is not what defines us as a people and certainly not our government.
We see that Evangelical Christians compose roughly 26% of the population. A little more than one quarter of us adhere to those askew ideologies and erroneous interpretations of the Scriptures. But the baggage carried by such group is one that is harmful to the other ¾ of the rest of us. You see, it is in their DNA, it is ingrained in their ideology that they have to go out and convert, convince, dominate and take over all aspects of life so that we might become “A Christian Nation”. This is not just a drive for converts and gain wealth…it is a very organized concerted effort to overwhelm the rest of us and do away with DEMOCRACY to be replaced by something similar to SHARIA LAW.
Fundamentalist Christians are not the majority in this country…so they will have to repress and punish those of other faiths, prohibit and persecute the rest of us.
They will tell you right to your face, they will assure you that God tells them to do this, to “do his work” to carry out what they think is a mandate from the Creator himself. They will tell you outrageous things like cataclysms sent in by God to punish us for our sins, that our Creator is a vengeful, mean and bellicose being. It is the Old Testament on steroids; it is the most absurd rationalization of natural phenomena.
But foremost in their minds, they figure that if somebody was not affected by the natural disasters and they deemed these to be sinners…then it is incumbent upon them to go out and punish them, admonish and persecute these infidels…it is their written credo.
I am what one might consider an agnostic but I can also see that if one was to believe in a Creator that pre-ordained and planned this whole thing, it would not be one of hatred, meanness and destruction. It would be a God proud of his work and even more proud of the pinnacle of his creation: MANKIND.

My take on this is that these Evangelicals better be careful what they wish for…we might end up with a country where religion dominates all aspects of life and government…much like what they have in Iran…and right now, as allergic as they are to Muslims, Mosques and Sharia Law they may find themselves living in a country ten times worse in this radical THEOCRACATIC TYRANNY than the one they criticize in Iran.