Friday, August 12, 2011

Except for a few ideologues, most wealthy Americans are at the end of the day…Americans

Even though we vilify the wealthy, demonize their intentions and criticize their conspicuous consumption…we realize also that there are a majority of them who don’t agree with the Teahadist-Republican agenda…one promoted and funded by the Koch brothers and a handful of odious individuals.

It is clear also that the REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH has already taken place and the rich are enjoying prosperity like never before. But there are some on the extreme right who think that is not enough and through their subservient politicians have embarked on a scorch-earth push to completely decimate the middle class and bring ruin to America.

These Koch brothers are two very sick puppies; they are carrying on the torch of their Bircher father and will stop at nothing to institute a PLUTOCRACY to go arm in arm with a THEOCRACY. There is little room for argument here and I will not accept any. It is a fact and we have seen how these two have been working for decades to bring about the mess we see ourselves in today.

I seriously doubt that most wealthy Americans would risk or want the destruction of our country, our way of life and the institution of a TOTALITARIAN-THEOCRACY. And all for what? So they can have more tax cuts? So they can multiply their profits even more although these are at an all-time high and taxes at an all time low? No way, no how…the wealthy are as I said, at the end of the day just as patriotic as the rest of us.



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