Friday, August 19, 2011

Here we go again, why is it that a segment of our citizenry insist in celebrating ignorance and stupidity?

Why is it that people who realize they are lacking the knowledge, the education and the desire to learn are always supporting these right-wing extremists?

Should Michelle Bachmann win the Republican nomination, there is always a possibility that the American people will vote for her. Misguided as the voters might be by all those unlimited funds that the special interests will be spending on the political campaign, coupled with all these think-tank right-wing PACs secretly funded by multi-millionaires and corporations as well as all the voter disenfranchising they are presently conducting…it is plausible that their vitriol, their lies, their negative campaign will result in a Bachmann win.

But wait a minute, here too we can figure in the high unemployment rate; clearly a result of a pervasive efforts on the part of Teabagger-Republicans and powerful corporations to destroy jobs as a way of telling people that President Obama has not been able to fix the unemployment situation…But I ask could he if all these right-wingers have done is obstruct, vote no, delay and sabotage any efforts on the part of the President to fix the mess he inherited…a mess George W. Bush and his cronies created…they created it because number one, they are stupid, number two they are greedy and number three they follow a very sick and askew ideology; that one Reagan left us with: TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS.

We have to be relentless in pointing out to all these “supporters” that Michelle Bachmann is a radical, a misguided person bordering on fanatical and such a person has no place at the helm of the greatest power in the world. Oppose them, I say, because not to do so is to empower them and then they think as they always do that they have a mandate.

So, if you are gay or have someone dear to you who is gay, please try to remember who the homophobic candidates are. Here is a chart that might help you decide:



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