Monday, August 8, 2011

It happened in 2008 and I have been screaming ever since.

I have been saying that there is a desperate need to put in place some serious regulations, to try to fix the problems that brought us that crisis in the first place. Yet, there are those who caused it not just walking free with impunity but made off with millions upon millions of dollars in bonuses and severance pay which the American people had to shell out and just like bad food, they are coming back to give you some more indigestion.

Does it seem unreal? Yes, it does. Does it make sense? No, it doesn’t? Are the Republican-Teahadists to blame? They sure as hell are. The stupidity of these morons go so far as to rejoice for the crisis…not surprising since they are not interested in the welfare of Americans and the prosperity of our nation…not if it comes with the price that they have to abandon their social re-engineering and theocratic agenda.

Amazingly, if you read the news, there are a lot of traders out there who actually see opportunities in this drop of stocks. Also, what the fuck is happening when corporations are making record profits that the stocks should drop?

It didn’t hit me…no sir, do you know why? because I lost everything the first time around. My pension, my 401K and as Janice Joplin so eloquently said in her song: “freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose”.

Let this be a lesson, remember who fucked you over and it wasn’t our President; when the time comes to vote next time, don’t even elect a single Republican.



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