Monday, August 8, 2011

There are so many indications, so much manifestation of ignorance and stupidity

It would take far too many pages of this blog to enumerate them all.

When Katie Couric asked Sarah Palin what it was that she read the poor woman was stumped. Later Sarah Palin said that it was a ‘GOT-CHA” question. It sure was…it was a got you question because had she been a regular reader of books, newspapers and the like she would have been able to answer right back. The truth is that sadly, the half-term Governor of Alaska and Vice Presidential nominee is a person totally devoid of intellectual curiosity; she is ignorant about science, history and geography and it shows.

The outlandish ways in which she mangles historical facts, ignores scientific data and couldn’t tell you that the capital of Brazil is Brasilia then she turns around and immerses herself in this Holly-Roller religion that most everyone would describe as a cult and a nutty one. I can only speak for myself, but not only do I consider somebody who thinks the world is 6,000 years old unfit to hold public office. I would like to have our elected officials be a little more intelligent than myself.

When at the beginning of the Tea Party protests we saw misspelled signs, horrible language errors that made us suspicious of these people’s knowledge of their own language. We would also hear and see them on television and the way they talked was appalling…hardly was there one that could articulate a single complete sentence.

Of course, to them, somebody like Sarah Palin would seem like a Rhodes Scholar to them; after all, she was Governor of Alaska and has a degree in journalism?

We have gone too far, and too far to the right because these people took hold of the Republican Party and since they can’t get what they want through our democratic process, they take hostage our people and blackmail our President.

I hope that the American people all go to the polls; I hope that we have the largest voter participation in history and that these Tea Bagger morons will be repudiated by an America that is somewhat conservative but one that is a reasonable, middle of the road unwilling to accept any extremist ideologies.

But most of all, I hope that the American people remember…in the past they have had a very short memory span and they were easily misled by lies and exaggerations. But there are no excuses now because the bulk of the population has been adversely affected by the ultra-right Republican agenda and their war on the middle class.

In conclusion, if it looks like a duck, it walks like a duck and it quacks as a duck then it is a duck and that is why I say the Tea Bag only attracts morons.



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