Monday, July 25, 2011

I got this e-mail from a friend and it was as if somebody lit a firecracker in my ass


Subject: Way to go Florida !

One down.....49 to go!!!

Florida is the first state - Hooray for Florida

Florida is the first state that is now going to require drug testing for welfare! Some people are crying this is unconstitutional. How is this unconstitutional? It's completely legal that every other working person had to pass a drug test in order to have a J-O-B that supports those on welfare!

Forward if you agree!! Let's get Welfare back to the ones who NEED it, not those that WON'T get a JOB..... AGREE!!!”

Of course I could not leave it unanswered and it may jeopardize our friendship but let the chips fall where they may…I have already been hurt enough by the Republicans and I am not ready to accept any more of their crap…this is what I answered:

I disagree one who is on welfare and not on drugs I see that what the asshole Republican governor of Florida is trying to is two-pronged, first he steers business into his clinics and second, as with all Republicans, welfare is a thorn on their ideological side as is Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
Take time to think Joe, it is not about the use of drugs; it is about grandstanding, it is about pushing a perverse agenda that people on welfare are inferior, take drugs and are a burden on society. Perhaps if this asshole Scott was doing more to create not turning away funds for rapid rail, then there would not be so many people on welfare.
Republicans up until now have not created one single job in Florida or elsewhere for that matter...only more tax cuts for the rich and the corporations. Furthermore, they are hell-bent on dismantling Social Security...which, by the way is entirely self supporting and viable for another two decades...this Social Security attack should not even be discussed...not so shamelessly attach it to raising the debt limit which has nothing to do with it.
Look around...these people are fighting a class war sprinkled in with social issues that the majority of Americans don't care about. But they do see that the legitimate role of government is in our bedrooms, or in this case, go after people on welfare.
I seriously doubt that many people on welfare can afford drugs...did you ever stop to think about that? Just like there are not very many people involved in voter fraud...yet they are curtailing one of our precious rights by actually instituting a voter-tax (identification that some people just don't my mom...who is 95 and doesn't drive) Did you think about that also?

I hope you stop to think where all these garbage e-mails originate. I am sure there is some Republican asshole instigating it. And I am not an expert on Constitutional law but this is certainly UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

hugs and kisses


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