Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Republicans have fabricated this crisis in order to hold America hostage so they can advance their ideological agenda: the establishment of PLUTOCRACY.

I have no doubt that Republican-Teahadists don’t have the best interest of mainstream America nor are they interested in having a vigorous middle class; just the opposite, these are people who actually believe that the rich deserve to have more and the middle class should be decimated and everyone should be poor…dirt poor…it is called PLUTOCRACY. We all know that the great majority of the American people are somewhere in the middle…not too far right and not too far left. These Republicans do not reflect mainstream American values. Everyday Americans do not want to cut Medicare, Social Security or Medicaid. Over 80% say that the top priority to deal with the budget deficit should be increasing taxes on millionaires and billionaires. Most Americans realize that the reason we have a huge budget deficit is that the wealthy and big corporations have in many cases stopped paying taxes.

I think that the cat is out of the bag and the toothpaste can’t be put back into the tube…the facts are there and the middle class already know that they are hurting; they watch as the Republicans want to bring upon them even more harm and they also see right through these Republican ideologue’s agenda because everyday folks have absolutely no need to defend the wealthy when they don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

Yes, the Republicans have been very effective in misrepresenting the issues, to lie and to mislead the public; particularly those who watch the Republican Party’s propaganda channel: FOX NEWS. But somewhere along the line reality is hitting Americans with a very severe blow to the rear end when they see what the newly elected Teabagger Republicans have been up to. There is not just buyer’s remorse for the victories voters gave these Teabaggers, there is a concerted grassroots movement to recall, to organize and you can be sure that it will be a cold day in hell before a lot of these people would vote for a Republican again…even if unemployment remains high…because the Republicans have systematically excluded or made enemies out of: Blacks, Latinos, Pro-choice women, Seniors, Labor Union Members, Public Service Employees, Gays, Medicare and Welfare recipients and oh, yes, the young…those who are going to carry on the torch of the American dream are desilutioned with Republicans and their crap.

What disturbs me the most in the Republican-Teahadist’s behavior is that they are acting as saboteurs, they are actually creating one crisis after another, have been obstructing and delaying and on purpose hurting the economy so that our President will look so bad that he will not be re-elected. This in my book is nothing short of treason…and that is a mouthful to say about a party that takes great pride in their patriotism (which we now see it is limited to wearing lapel pins and odious bumper stickers)

If you are working to protect the rich and giving them even more than what they deserve, if you are actively hurting the middle class and ignoring the needs of the poor, then you are destroying America and there is nothing patriotic about that. What kind of asshole would actually put our country’s credit and solvency in jeopardy in order to advance a political agenda? Republicans, that is who.

What the debt ceiling has been in the past is just a formality that is done to satisfy one aspect of the constitution that says that America MUST pay its debts…it has always been voted without much fanfare and it has always worked to maintain the solidity of our economy and our credit. Enter the Republicans with a fabricated crisis that they have made in order to push a social re-engineering agenda. They are holding our economy hostage and putting our country in danger of going into an economic depression if they don’t get what they are asking…that is FUCKING BLACKMAIL people; no other term could describe it.

Let’s take a look at what has to say on the subject:

Step back from the day-to-day, hour-to-hour details of the debt-ceiling negotiations for a minute and look at the bigger picture. Look what we're in the middle of. Our legislators are being stampeded by a manufactured "crisis" into profoundly changing the nature of our country and who our economy is "for," on extremely short notice, against the clear wishes of the majority of the public. They are doing so without following the long-established process for due consideration of important issues; they are not holding hearings, not giving time for public input, not going through committees... The act of negotiating with these hostage-takers at all is itself a violation of our established, democratic system. The question to ask is not, "What painful cuts should we agree to to save our country," but rather, "Why are we engaged in this anti-democracy exercise at all?"

A Functioning Democracy?

In a functioning democracy an informed public considers and debates its options and then comes to a decision on how best to proceed. In a representative republic our representatives are called "representatives" because they represent us, and vote to implement our wishes.

The founding idea of our country is that We, the People are in charge, and our country exists to promote the common good -- "welfare" -- of all of us. Elected officials take an oath of office to protect and defend our Constitution, which begins with those words, "We, the People." Over time we have built up a system of institutions, processes, procedures, traditions and mechanisms to implement this founding idea. The oath they take is to protect and defend this system.

Oath Of Office: Protect and Defend Our System

Today all of this seems all to have fallen away from us. A fanatical but extremely well-funded minority is using a manufactured "crisis" to hold the country's economy hostage. As ransom -- if we don't want the country to go into default, destroying our economy -- they demand that we force fast and dramatic changes to the nature of our country and our social safety net. These changes will take effect before the public can react and gather the forces of opposition. They will be "locked in," creating "facts on the ground" that we have to deal with, and which are extremenly difficult to undo, no matter what We, the People want or need.

Rather than honor their oath of office to protect and defend our We-the-People system from all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to listen to "We, the People," and to promote the common good of all of us, our leaders have instead entered into negotiations with the hostage-takers. The act of entering into these negotiations is by itself an agreement to work outside of our established system, and the result of these negotiations will be to change the equation of who our system is for.


Is there really a "debt crisis" necessitating such a dramatic and immediate response? Just 10 years ago the "crisis" we faced was that we were paying off the debt too fast and it was claimed this would lead to socialism as government surpluses were invested in private assets. So taxes for the wealthy were cut. At the same time, enabled by another "crisis," the military budget was dramatically increased -- in ways that enriched "private contractors."

The result of these changes was an immediate return from budget surpluses to the dramatic budget deficits initiated by President Reagan. Then-President Bush called these deficits "Incredibly positive news" precisely because they would bring on a debt crisis that would enable today's stampede to change our system of government. The debt "crisis" was intentional.

Cause Of Deficits and Debt

The increase of deficits beyond $1 trillion occurred in President Bush's last budget year -- the consequence of the financial collapse and the resulting drop in tax revenue combined with increases in social safety-net program payments. But the underlying cause of the deficits was the Bush tax cuts and wars. Today, in How the Deficit Got This Big, the NY Times offers charts and figures that show that:

...under Mr. Bush, tax cuts and war spending were the biggest policy drivers of the swing from projected surpluses to deficits from 2002 to 2009. Budget estimates that didn’t foresee the recessions in 2001 and in 2008 and 2009 also contributed to deficits. Mr. Obama’s policies, taken out to 2017, add to deficits, but not by nearly as much.

As for the causes of the longer-term debt picture The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has put together this chart, explaining:


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