There's a nice black and white photo at Bilgrimage of Bill and Steve - Cooking to Save the Planet: Poison the Old Lady Torte. It reminded me of the one photography class I took -- B&W photography - in which we developed our film and made enlargements. I took a lot of photos for the class but I only seem to have a few left now. Here's one of them, my dog Puppy with his rubber ball in his mouth ....

Some of the photos in my grandmother's photo album are in black and white. Here's one from her album of my grandfather when he was young. He's at the far left, then there's his father who immigrated from France, and his two brothers. By the time I got to know grandpa, his father and brothers were dead ....

I guess I still like color photography best. Here's a photo I took today of one of my sister's plants :) ...