Friday, July 22, 2011

While giving the rich more money will only mean one thing: THEY WILL HOARD IT!

If you take away $100 from a wealthy man, unless he is obsessed with his fortune…he will not even notice it; on the other hand, if you took away $100 from a poor or even a middle class family what you will see is a father who won’t be able to buy milk and bread for his kids.

Where in hell do these people get the idea that the very rich need or even want more tax cuts? Where is it written, proven or even imagined that when you allow the rich to keep all their undeserved accumulated wealth will they put it to work, will they even contemplate creating jobs?. Time has shown us that after the Bush tax cuts, the economy went south, there was one major hiccup in our economy and we realized then that Bush and his incompetence was to be blamed for this case of economic indigestion. Own it, accept it, it is already written down in the history books and you will not be able to change that legacy or make the people of America think otherwise…we have a REVENUE PROBLEM caused by tax cuts and unnecessary wars…not that the government is too big or that it has a SPENDING PROBLEM.

These are called entitlement programs…why? because we are entitled, we have paid for them, we rely on them and it is a sacred covenant our government has made with us…WE, THE PEOPLE. It is something that has been around for decades; being one of the most successful and efficient government programs out there. There is nothing to be fixed, there is nothing to alter, there is no acceptable cuts on SOCIAL SECURITY ever justified…it is downright immoral and cruel to ask our seniors to live on even less than they are receiving now so that the wealthy can have an extra $100 per person they take it away and what for? Where are they going to spend this extra money? Lavish meals? Limousines? Corporate Jets? Perhaps their third or fourth mansion in the Hamptons; no Republicans, that is totally despicable and unacceptable.


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