Hello my fellow Americans
I speak French because I was conceived and made in France. The generous people of France then gave me as a present to my new adopted country: America. You see, I too am an immigrant.
I am a polyglot…you know, when you are so close to Ellis Island you get to hear so many languages…and as I stood there holding my torch of freedom for all to see; I got to hear all these languages and it was bound to happen…so many years of that and I picked up Chinese, German, Italian, Spanish, Yiddish; even Russian.
Today, I hang my head in shame and cover my face because I don’t like what I see in America. It is not the America that so many I greeted when entering the harbor came to seek. It is now a divided, violent and self destructive country. It is full of ideologues and religious fanatics who are intolerant of anybody different than themselves; worst of all it is a country of greed.
Lady Liberty's image is one of strength, majesty, and hope, visible in her eternally raised right arm which carries the torch of freedom. Holding aloft a light that never fails, she represents hope to the hopeless, welcome to the poor, courage to the meek. Facing outward toward the ocean, her lamp is a beacon on stormy seas, drawing to her shores, those from afar who seek a better life. For these, and for countless others who embrace her message, the Statue of Liberty represents the Golden Door.
The message at the base of her pedestal reads:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
It might as well now read:
“Give me your energetic, your rich,
Your wealthy entrepreneurs yearning to get richer,
The affluent business men of your teeming shore.
Send these, the well-educated elite to me.
I lift my lamp beside our closed door.”
I cry when I see how greed and ignorance have melded together to destroy those very things I represent…It is a divided country in a dysfunctional society and an even more dysfunctional government. I am sad and I will say something unbecoming a lady of my stature: I AM PISSED.