Thursday, July 28, 2011

We could use some of that money to bring jobs to America, we can invest in infrastructure, public works, repair roads and bridges and become energy independent…pipe dream? Not really.

Why don’t we get real here people, about our national debt and who caused it and why?

I know that these Republican-Teahadists will never accept these facts nor will they acknowledge that we are in this mess because of their failed policies, their insistence in giving tax cuts to the rich and even subsidies to corporations that are doing record profits…no sir, even if you were to hit them across the face with a 2 X 4 and water-board them at the same time they will never own this mess. What is worse, they are not even making an effort to fix it, why with all their obstructionism and delay tactics it has come down to sabotage of the Obama Presidency…worst they are even committing one of the most serious crimes in civilian society: BLACKMAIL-HOSTAGE TAKING.

I am enclosing this chart that no doubt will be ignored by these extremist right wing fanatics:

From the White House Blog

INFOGRAPHIC: Where does our national debt come from?

Posted by Macon Phillips on July 26, 2011

And as I have said so many times before; end those unnecessary, stupid wars, do away with the Bush tax cuts and you will see how fast our debt disappears and if you want to even have a surplus, why can’t we insist that the wealthy and the corporations pay the same tax rates we mere mortals do?…it will not be necessary to blackmail a sitting President and the American people held hostage to do this.

PHOTO SOURCE:,r:11,s:105


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