* found what looks to be an interesting book, which I've sent for from the library ..... Angels and Angelology in the Middle Ages by David Keck. It can be found at Google books too.
* this video of 50 academics talking about God, courtesy of Feminist Philosophers. There's a list of who's on it, but I'll just mention it includes Oliver Sacks, Peter Singer, Bertrand Russell, Stephen Hawking, David Attenborough, John Searle, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Carl Sagan, and Brian Cox (a bit depressing, as most think belief is dopey) .....
* an interesting paper (you can find it here) -- "Resurrection, Reassembly, and Reconstitution: Aquinas on the Soul," in Die menschliche Seele: Brauchen wir den Dualismus? Bruno Niederberger and Edmund Runggaldier (eds.), (Ontos Verlag, 2006). Here's just the beginning of it ....
"In his entry on the immortality of the soul in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Richard Swinburne calls our attention to a problem often raised in connection with the Christian doctrine of resurrection. He says: [...] if I come to live again, the question arises as to what makes some subsequent human me, for [at death] my body will be largely if not entirely destroyed. If the answer is given that (most of) the atoms of my original body will be reassembled into bodily form, there are two problems. First, many of the atoms may no longer exist; they may have been transmuted into energy. And second, what proportion of the atoms do we need? Sixty per cent, seventy per cent, or what? If it is mere atoms which make some body mine and so some living human me, then no body will be fully mine unless it has all my atoms. Yet some of my atoms, even if not destroyed, will have come to form other human bodies."
* and fianlly, the flying mouse :). My sister sent me this photo and story from National Geographic about this cute little Hardwicke's woolly bat and i's symbiotic buddy, the carnivorous pitcher plant ...