Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Before I start my 'not so wordless wednesday' post, can I just say that Lake George is my new favorite place? I spent a week there with my family and we had a wonderful time.

I recommend going here at least once! Especially to families with children. There's lots to do and see.

Our cabin was right on the lake and we had quite the view. The water was chilly, but since we had a heat wave it was nice and refreshing.

The place where we stayed was family oriented and private. Our neighbors were all very nice. I met a few fellow book lovers, one who loved Stephen King and Dean Koontz.
He, my son and I had a nice chat, since my son brought along my copy of Everything's Eventual.

One of the mothers was reading Bringing Up Girls: Practical Advice and Encouragement for Those Shaping the Next Generation of Women and highly recommended it to me.

Plenty of times we had the lake to ourselves.

We spent great quality time together. My son and I would take a kayak out every morning where he would try to paddle out faster despite my asking him to slow down. After I got used to it however, I said 'what the heck' and let him set the pace. The kayaks, rowboats and lifevests were all provided, so it was perfect.

We went horseback riding. This is Domino. It was my first time on a horse.

Domino definitely sensed I was a rookie, and he didn't want to take my commands as we trecked through a trail in the woods for about 45 minutes. Let me mention, it wasn't a flat terrain. There were small hills involved.

Whenever I tried to reign him in so he'd slow down, Domino would toss his head back as if to shrug me off. If I tried to steer him left or right, he'd also shrug me off. Domino also decided to stop in the middle of the ride to look out over a downward hill on the side of the trail, as if pondering whether he should bolt or not. Hubby, who was riding on the horse behind me later mentioned that he noticed this as well and thought Domino was going to make a run for it too and that he was glad his horse 'wasn't doing that'. Thanks hun!

I'd say about 5 years were taken off my life due to fear on this horse. I'm proud of myself however for getting on, but it will be my last time! lol See my smile in the photo? That's after the ride was over and it's a 'take my picture fast so I can get off this horse and vomit' smile.

My kids and hubby enjoyed their rides. My daughter rode a pony named Molly. My son rode a horse named Sam and hubby got on a large horse named Duke.


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