Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Republican-Teahadists have used this before and are now doing it again with the debt ceiling.
It is shameful that ideology takes precedent in these people’s mind over country and the welfare of Americans. Even when the predicted results is total ruin for America and the economic crisis it will create; the Republicans are once more holding our country hostage to their demands for cuts in basic entitlements like Medicare and Medicaid and ending Social Security which is not causing any of the debt as it is self funded and solvent for another couple of decades.
For the life of me I can’t think of how these people think that they love America or that they are patriotic when they are putting it at risk and when they are on a hell-bent mission to destroy its middle class. That to me is not PATRIOTISM, it is downright TREASON. And holding hostages as well as blackmailing us is a crime…a very serious and egregious crime.

Dave Johnson writes:
“In the debt-ceiling debate Republicans are holding the country hostage again, demanding that the country shift to a radical pro-big-corporate/big-wealth agenda as the ransom. At the same time the Tea Partiers say don't raise the debt limit, period, and let the country default, hoping that out of the resulting chaos and desperation they can rebuild the economy in an Ayn ian, rule-by-the-rich vision. Either way this is a radical, unprecedented attempt to redefine our form of government, largely privatizing-for-a-few the wealth of We, the People while stifling our voice. If we give in to this extremist vision of cut and gut America will lose the engine that made us prosperous.
Sabotaging Economy Short-term
In the short-term it is looking more and more like Republicans are deliberately sabotaging efforts to recover the economy and create jobs, as a strategy to turn voters against the President in the coming elections. The cuts that Republicans are demanding threaten jobs and the recovery. From the post Debt-Ceiling Deal's Cuts Could Crash Economy,
Withdrawing government spending literally “takes money out of the economy.” We have a crisis because of lack of demand. Republican solutions of giving the wealthy and corporations even more money and tax cuts obviously will not work because the rich don't create jobs, we do. The rich are already richer than ever, with a greater share of the income and wealth than ever, and giant corporations are already sitting on tons of cash.
So with the stimulus winding down, and state and local budget cuts causing layoffs of teachers, firefighters and other government employees, Republicans are demanding even more layoffs from federal budget cuts as a "cure." But cutting government as a prescription for creating jobs sounds a lot like their claim that cutting taxes increases revenue. The problem is a lack of demand, and budget cuts taking hundreds of billions out of the economy only makes that worse.
So are Republicans doing this on purpose, to tank the economy, improving their 2012 election chances?”
The answer to that of course is yes…these Republican-Teahadists are nothing short of terrorists who are just as dangerous to our security and well being as the Jihadists. Their ideology will trump reason, facts and common sense…it is that convoluted and askew.