MSNBC chews them up and spits them out
It seems to me that whenever any of the conservative radio or television personalites on the extreme right make some outrageous statement, tell a lie, misguide or misconstrue the issue…they get away with it and not even an apology is necessary.
On the other hand, whenever somebody on the left, a progressive-liberal commentator makes the slightest objectionable remark MSNBC either suspends, reprimands or outright fires the person. Could it be that MSNBC is not as liberal and progressive as they want us to believe they are? Are they just more or less part of the “establishment” with some latitude for commercializing the points of view of those on the left…the network knows they have a following and that translates into advertising dollars.
But make no mistake about it…these commentators have to work within a very narrow scope of freedom and restraint. They can only go so far and their bosses will fire their asses if they deviate but one inch from the establishment’s concept of journalism.
So far, we have seen these commentators get their asses thrown out the window by MSNBC:
Don Imus – fired

Ed Schultz - Suspended

Keith Olbermann – fired
Cenk Uygur - fired
One ponders if Lawrence O’Donnell, Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz are not next.

PHOTO SOURCE:,r:12,s:44&tx=73&ty=87,r:12,s:0