Saturday, July 30, 2011

There will be a stock market crash or some economic crisis that will wipe out all of our savings

Please don’t tell me that it can’t happen…it already has as I can attest…I lost my pension in 2008. You see, these boys who administer all these private pensions are just salivating at the prospect of privatized Social Security. They are looking forward with great expectations the flood of money that will come from the general public who will be trusting and enthusiastic about having their “private nest egg” and that big government is out of the picture, out of their lives. And don't tell me it is not my money...I contributed to it beginning in I am entitled.

Sure, it will run for a few years without glitches until there are enormous amounts accumulated and then these geniuses in Wall Street will fabricate some Ponzi scheme, they will create an economic crisis and all those savings will be wiped out.

This of course suits the Republican-Teahadists just fine because the greater the number of people in need, poor and destitute, the cheaper labor will be; besides, looking at it from a purist point of view…Social Security is SOCIALISM, as is MEDICARE, MEDICAID, WELFARE and PUBLIC EDUCATION as well as all those REGULATIONS that make it more difficult for capitalists to operate dishonestly.

We are already seeing efforts in Florida to demonize Welfare recipients by making them take drug tests; the implication being that people on welfare are deadbeats on drugs. The intended plan of action is to eliminate Welfare altogether in Florida so that the state can give more money to the rich and the corporations…but isn’t that also SOCIALISM IN REVERSE? Isn’t that like a welfare state but instead of benefiting the poor it benefits the wealthy…Robin Hood in reverse, if you will?. If you make people think that welfare recipients are drug addicts then it will be easier to eliminate the program altogether without much public opposition.

In the big picture, in the greater scheme of things the Republican-Teahadists know exactly what the intended result will be to eliminate all social safety nets: money will stop flowing and there will be a horrible economic crisis…unemployment will soar and you will hear them saying that it is all President Obama’s fault and the horrible socialist harm Democrats have brought to our nation.

Republican-Teahadists are not going to be satisfied until there are millions of people living in tents under the freeway overpasses.

I felt nauseous yesterday when I heard about this woman commentator (I don’t even want to mention her toxic name) on Fox who was expressing disdain for all our social networks and the money that has gone into them…begrudging that our nation has spent all these funds when they could have been re-directed to fight these two wars and we could have won them if only we didn’t have to pay those pesky little entitlement programs for trash on Medicare or on Welfare.

Yes, by all means, take away from the poor so you can use the money to kill more people abroad in a country that did not inflict any injury to ours. So by all means, begrudge the few hundred dollars we give some single mother to feed her children and not even bat an eyelash when we spend billions in stupid wars…that is so patriotic, so American, and so Christian.

According to Republican-Teahadist ideology, government is too big; it can’t do anything right and the only legitimate role for government is to police our bedrooms, our wombs and to force us to go to church.


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