Thursday, July 28, 2011

I am seriously questioning their intelligence

I had my doubts before and I have expressed my apprehension in giving so much power to people who have little or no sense and knowledge of history; geography is a mystery to them and so is economics. Hell, these people can’t even speak the English language correctly and when hard pressed to paint a protest sign they will even misspell it.

There is no logic or common sense why people would even be attracted to this Tea Bag movement. At first it was laughable, then it became the subject of all kinds of news and the media picked it up as an anomaly and exposing their insanity…but not for long…because their backers saw to it that the Teabaggers would get favorable coverage and this was the beginning of the end of the Republican Party.

How is it, what in the hell are these people thinking…or are they thinking? You see people on Social Security, people who are obviously up in years and could easily get a cold that turns into pneumonia and will not have the money to pay for medical expenses…yet they want to end Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. You see these Tea Baggers defending the corporations and the wealthy when they are poor, some of them dirt poor and what would they get in return? These Tea Baggers would become even poorer.

It is the same situation you see with some (very few) black Republicans or Gay Republicans…what are they thinking? What black person in their right mind would cast their ballot alongside those who want to return to the America of the 19th century with all the perks and privileges for the WASPS and all the discrimination for blacks…Latinos? They are in a similar boat. Gays? These are even more of an enigma because as far as I know, all the Republican-Teahadists intend to do with homosexuality is to criminalize it and to even make a Constitutional Amendment denying gays of the rights everyone else has.

I don’t know about you but I keep a copy of the Constitution on my desk. Have you read the Constitution? No, you probably haven’t because you can’t even spell the word; and because you dropped out of the 7th grade when they were teaching about it. You are just repeating the talking points that nice man who is organizing the protest told you. Did you ask him who pays him to do that? Is it Fox News; is it the Koch brothers, United Health Care, Bank of America, Exxon or is it Rush Limbaugh?

You tell us that we are not listening to you…that Washington is not listening to you. Listen you douche bags; people would listen if you had something to say. So far all we have seen is hateful misspelled signs, we have heard you shouting to disrupt public discourse; we have seen your cronies spread lies and tried to dehumanize and discredit the President of the United States and now you want our government to renege on paying its debts. Making our country a dead beat, a credit risk and placing us alongside those more unfortunate countries that are at best third rate powers. And you call yourselves patriots? Your behavior is appalling and your message abhorrent.

We have many good reasons, enough evidence to believe you are racists, xenophobic, homophobic and obstinate religious fundamentalists; I don’t see many Tea Baggers with doctorate degrees or even any credible scientists, economists, award winning journalists (legitimate journalists) lawyers or scholars…there are none!. Your rhetoric smacks of religious fanaticism and your ideology is one of a repugnant and odious anarchy.

No, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Public Education are nowhere to be found in the CONSTITUTION but neither is THE AIR FORCE and we have one. And yes, the Constitution has a 14th Amendment which makes it very clear that the debt of the United States shall not be questioned…even 7th graders know that…oh, sorry, I forgot, most of you Tea Party members never got that high in school.


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