Thursday, July 14, 2011
Posted by st at 5:46 AMThere is already ample evidence of what Republicans will do if they gain complete control.
But the American people are not just standing still, they don’t buy this scorch-earth agenda the Republicans are pushing…no sir, there are already many organized movements to push back, to repudiate, to recall some of these Republican-Teahadists that are hell-bent on destroying the middle class and the American dream.
It has not gone unnoticed by the general public who is usually aloof and ill-informed. The average voter is not passionate about politics, nor are they part of any right or left leaning ideology; the American people sit somewhere in the moderate middle and that can bring us some comfort.
But make no mistake about it, mess with the American voter who is in the middle and they will come back with a vengeance…case in point is Wisconsin. Even after efforts by Republican-Teahadists to place “fake” Democrats running in the recall primary… (One wonders how disingenuous and unpatriotic that is) The voters turned out and casted their ballots in favor of real Democrats. So watch out, because they are now energized and utterly pissed at the Governor and his ultra-right wing conservative initiatives…they will defeat the Republicans and gain controls of their legislature once more.
When you mess with social programs that are popular with the American people, such as Social Security (which is solvent for another couple of decades) Medicare, Medicaid and Public Education; you will have a very angry electorate…All those assumptions that were made by Republicans when they “shellacked” the Democrats in November 2010 are null and meaningless; particularly since they ran on the promise of solving the unemployment problem and once elected embarked on this agenda to eliminate social programs, go after labor unions and continue to sabotage the Obama Presidency while doing nothing about unemployment, not one single job created.
I predict that those Republican-Teahadist radicals will be relegated to their rightful place in our society…a meaningless, fringe, radical and repudiated extremism…such as we did a few decades ago with the John Birch Society. Americans don’t have the stomach for extremist ideologues…it is contrary to their good nature and sense of fair play…it also applies to the extreme left, with the peculiarity that the left uses facts and common sense to push their agenda not lies, exaggerations, divisiveness, xenophobia, homophobia and fear to gain the trust of that majority in the middle.
I hope Republicans continue on this path…it is a path to self destruction and their Party will become insignificant and relegated to a sorry minority…this is perhaps what America needs…to unmask and humiliate these bastards once and for all.
Americans don’t want the kind of CLASS WARFARE the Republicans are pushing…they don’t want elimination of social programs and certainly want even less the promotion of a morality, social re-engineering issues the Republicans are pushing. This they do in spite of their cry that government is too big and too intrusive…but they have no problem with the government policing our bedrooms and our women’s wombs; according to Republicans that is the only legitimate function the government has..
I do think that most people who are in that great majority in the middle are not xenophobic, homophobic, racists, nor are they in favor of making America into a theocratic-plutocracy.