Sunday, July 17, 2011

Republicans are voting on anything and everything absurd neglecting what really matters to Americans: JOB CREATION

It boggles the mind that Republicans are wasting their time to protect the incandescent light bulb as opposed to the energy saving new kind. It is preposterous to think that they would even think this is a legitimate issue since not only is it absurd but also makes no sense when talking about savings and longevity of the light bulb itself.

It is not surprising then that these Republicans are so wrongfully convinced that if you give money to the rich they will in turn make it percolate down…this is just as absurd and as outdated as the incandescent light bulb…TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS has proven to be not just ineffective but actually harmful to our country.

The Republicans had gotten used to holding the President hostage over some issue or another, always taking advantage of his compromising and affable nature…you see, President Obama does believe that he is the President of all Americans; not just the Democrats and he is willing to sit down and talk, compromise…often giving away the store before he even sits down to negotiate. For this he has received very poor marks from some of us…often saying that his negotiating skills really suck.

But no more, the line in the sand was drawn and the American people understand better than these Republican-Teahadist politicians that financial ruin for America is preposterous, particularly if it is presented as a hostage situation to defend an askew ideology: that of giving tax cuts to the rich and the corporations under the assumption that it is good for the economy and will create jobs.

The case can’t be made in favor of this theory, there is no empirical evidence that tax cuts for the rich have created prosperity…just the contrary as was evident for the loss of over 8 million jobs under the Bush years.

What we basically have in America is not that the government is too big or that it can’t do anything right or even that government is the problem…what we have is a REVENUE PROBLEM. The American government is as big as it needs to be for the largest power in the world, government only becomes a problem when Republicans are in charge as we have seen the large deficits and unnecessary wars they get us into.

ROBERT WEINER AND JOHN HORTON discuss this very well in this article:
End Trickle Down Economics to Pay Off the Debt — President Obama has given speech after speech calling on Congress to reduce tax breaks for the wealthy to balance the budget. When President Clinton left office, the budget had been balanced for four consecutive years with surpluses projected through 2011. The tax rate for the wealthiest 2 percent of wage earners was 39.6 percent. President George W. Bush, however, chose to pursue the system of so-called "trickle-down" economics through tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. The result: surplus turned into deficit. By the end of Bush's second term, the United States was embroiled in the gravest financial crisis since the Great Depression. Trickle-down economics has not worked since Herbert Hoover tried it. It is a myth that adding money to the wealthy through tax cuts stimulates jobs and grows the economy.”


PHOTO SOURCE: light bulbs


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